Zingen tijdens de Korea Oorlog 1953, The Third Battle of the Hook (Chinese: 坪村南山战斗)



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Een historisch boekje met 14 pagina's Parachutisten liedjes. Gevouwen en gescheurd. Dit boekje was ooit van de Britse parachutist "Black" Bob Talkingham (of is het "Black" Bob Falkingham ) die het meenam naar de oorlog in Korea.

Op de binnenkant van de kaft staat een tekst van "Black" Bob aan Jan uit Renkum :

To Jan, With best wishes to my good friend Jan Meurs of Renkum 1977. Who I wish to have this book. I had it with me in Korea 1953 during the battle of the "Hook". We sang these songs when things are bad in 1944 and Korea 1953. "The sands run red, The gattling's jamed, And the Colonels dead". Best regards to Jan.

"Black" Bob Talkingham ( of B. Falkingham )14660687, Anti Tank Platoon, 13th Parachute Battalion, 6th Airborne Division. (Is eerste letter een T ? - zie foto's )

"Black" Bob Talkingham ( of B. Falkingham ) 14660687, HQ Company, 1st Battalion Duke of Wellingtons Regiment, "The Hook" Korea 1953.

KOREA OORLOG: The Battle of the Hook was onderdeel van de oorlog in Korea. Deze oorlog ontstond toen Noord Koreaanse troepen Zuid Korea binnenvielen en "het Westen" ingreep, waarna de Chinezen en zelfs Russen de Noord Koreanen weer gingen helpen.

THE HOOK: De slag om The Hook was een gevecht tussen troepen van de UN (United Nations Command Force) die grotendeels bestond uit Britse troepen tegen voornamelijk Chinese troepen (PVA).

Wikipedia : "On 13 May 1953, the 1st Battalion the Duke of Wellington's Regiment (the "Dukes") were moved from its position on Yong Dong, to relieve the Black Watch, who had been defending The Hook. Over the next two weeks The Dukes were under constant sniper, mortar and artillery fire. This was then followed up in a major action over the 28–29 May following heavy initial artillery and mortar fire, after which the PVA infantry attacked in force. Between 19 May and 29 May 'The Dukes' suffered 15 killed in action, 95 wounded and 32 missing. They were relieved by the Royal Fusiliers later in the day of 29 May."

"Black" Bob heeft ook nog gevochten tijdens de landing in Normandie in 1944. Zijn 17th (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion had toen o.a. de taak om de bruggen over de Orne en het Caen kanaal in handen te krijgen en te houden.